Quick Impressions - Day 0
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This page serves to organize the "Quick Impressions" process.
What is that?
Several people have expressed an interest in trying out the device we use for our intervention with light as described elsewhere on this site. Their feedback to our outreach is that they'd like to give it a try: to get an impression.
At present, to those showing this interest, we will send the material.
How to get the same material in the future may change, as thousands line up to look a gift horse in the mouth.
In exchange, and founded in a continued dedication to having observations that can be subjected to statistical control, we'd like to gather a little bit of data.
This as painlessly as possible.
Discretely: Respecting personal privacy issues, while not getting confused about who is providing impressions or feeding back data.
Nothing too heavy or too time consuming.
Linked to fit in with what we have already learned.
Which is?
That the intervention seems safe (consistent with reports in the literature x 40 years).
That participants have a positive response to this intervention applied over time.
If we can't chat over coffee ( or anything else), why not ZOOM (or Skype or Signal or ...)
Follow-up, Q&A sessions, discussion of results, will (as per present plan, which is flexible), happen via ZOOM meetings. Scheduling for people located around the world, (and who are doing other things besides helping out with this study) invites complication. So to avoid such meetings at middle of the night hours, many such different meetings may be required. Their format will remain "quick and easy," rather than "all inclusive, time-consuming, massive presentations to thousands." Just one other person in the next meeting? That's fine.
Meetings will serve to explain the choice of tests we'd like to do (and proposed below).
Meetings will serve to listen to feedback from "Quick Impressions" participants.
Working at a distance means that many tests done with participants where we are located will be omitted (so don't get anxious, but also don't start feeling left out).
- The 'Quick Impressions' participant gets just that: an impression of the impact of this intervention with specific wavelengths of light, on their condition. They'll be the final judge.
- What "condition"? Their daily life with the sequelae of "long-term" COVID-19.
- To gather observations that allow useful assessment of this "Quick Impression" in addition to that subjective opinion. I value both highly.
- Both the more complete and this "Quick Impressions" component have the same goal: to identify individuals with "long-term" COVID-19 and study scientifically/ statistically whether a specific intervention with light helps. You may see this intervention with light under the names Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT) or PhotoBioModulation (PBM). Want more info? OK, I've covered that starting here.
- We observe a very present tendency in Medicine towards metanalyses and obsessing over gathering huge numbers of participants. "How big is your 'n' ?" That has its pluses and minuses that we won't explore here. Since many years we have applied and had confidence in Small Group Statistical Methods. If well done, as developed by those with names like W. Edwards Deming, it gets the job done quite well, even if 40 participants doesn't sound as sexy as 68,224.
- This site (in fact, this page and another), will give descriptions & links to the different tests to move things along.
- As you have learned, these pages have an entry password to avoid mixing things up with other components of the StudyLTCOVID.com work.
- "Quick Impression" participants get an ID assigned to clearly identify their responses. That ID is actually self-assigned and looks like this: QI- + initials + year of birth. So mine would look like: QI-WJO-1950. This gets used when a test below asks you for your "Study ID#". Really not very challenging I don't think. In the larger study, these numbers are assigned as part of a randomization process that we won't get into for "Quick Impressions."
- The protocol is pretty simple:
- The plan is to use the lights for 10 days straight and as described.
- "as described" means that for some, the 'target' is the Head for 10 minutes each day x 10 days. For others, the 'target(s)' are Head x 10 minutes AND Back x 10 minutes each day x the same 10 days. The goal (as in the larger study) is to see if more skin surface area exposed makes a difference to all those mitochondria floating by in White Blood Cells and others. Participants can express a preference. If really not much time available for all of this, 10 minutes/ day is quicker than 20 minutes/ day. In the larger study, this is of course randomized. What the participants "live" in that larger study can be seen on the Participant's Calendar found here if interested.
- "as described" also means knowing what to do with these lights. That has been covered in this article. Whether one holds the lamp holder (doesn't get hot) in one's hand and moves that around one's head, or fixes the light in a stable fashion and moves in front of it, probably doesn't matter. As long as one is close enough to the lights emitting surface, and not sitting across the room from the light or even 1 foot away. Stay close to it.
- Day 0 - one does some tests as presented below.
- Day 1 - start of the 10 days in a row of the light intervention (and start of forming one's "Quick Impression.")
- Day 10 - last day of light intervention.
- If one misses a day, (or 6 !) add those back at the end.
- So it really is 10 days of light, and not, for example, 4 interventions accomplished during 10 consecutive calendar days, with 6 missed days. If you miss, don't start over. Just pick it back up until you've done 10 days.
- Day 11 - a repeat of the Day 0 tests. I will put all of that for Day 11 with links on another page to avoid cluttering things up here. I'll put a link at the bottom of this page to get there once that is ready. That page will also use the same password as this one.
- Day Whenever - a Zoom meeting or equivalent to present and talk over how it went: both "Quick Impressions" and available objective data.
- The plan is to use the lights for 10 days straight and as described.
"Yes but, ... I already have a question."
- Bring your question to a Zoom meeting. Sending out meeting invites of course requires my having your email address: Used only for the purposes presented here.
- "My cousin Josephine is interested. Can she come to the meeting?"
- Sure. Bring Jo along. Or send her the link or my email address to get one.
- Are you a medical doctor?
- You bet. You like Bio's? Here's mine.
- So I'm retired and still attracted (as in the past) to ONPWR.
- (that's Only Nobel Prize-Winning Research)
- But let's be clear. Sending out lights to people around the world does not mean that I have a license to practice Medicine in Scotland, nor New Jersey, nor anywhere else. So your involvement means that we will work together to see if this light intervention appears to have positive effects or not. If you want to bow out, do so at any time. If I didn't think it was safe, you wouldn't be reading this now nor awaiting delivery of your lamp. The usual silly phrases about my not being responsible for any untoward effects of your participation may still apply, but I prefer friendlier exchanges. We'll get an Informed Consent form to you at some point. Read it, asks questions as you feel indicated, sign it and send it back as a scan or whatever. Then everyone concerned will feel warm and protected.
- "When will that ZOOM meeting take place?" As I write, to overcome middle of the night participation, probably two this Tuesday, February 7, at 10:30AM Central European Time (CET) here in Belgium, and again at 17:00 to 18:00 my time for those on the East Coast USA, (11AM for them) for example. I'll send out ZOOM invites to those who have shown interest, but here is the ZOOM Meeting(s) info below...
- (These links below for our ZOOM meeting are now obsolete. I left them to give some idea of what that process looks like for those who don't know).
- 1st session at 10:30AM CET Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87041354660?pwd=ZTBISGhQbkM1TWtpcWpaVmtzNStkUT09 Meeting ID: 870 4135 4660 Passcode: 018404
- and 2nd session at 5PM CET Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81947129920?pwd=SjliYUk1eXl1UGtMdHVpTm9OcmF0Zz09 Meeting ID: 819 4712 9920 Passcode: 271082
Day 0 Work.
Let's get started.
When I questioned back in August to November of 2020, people with "long-term" COVID-19 had been sick on average about 6.6 months. When I asked about Illness Duration more recently, overall it was 24.82±9.43 months. Those who responded that their illness was no longer present, had been sick 13.99±5.26 months.
Perhaps you already answered that illness duration online survey?
Then skip this first link below.
If not among the responders yet, please click the b. link below and give your answer(s). This won't reappear on Day 11 of course.
a. If you already answered, here is a link to see a dashboard of some results.
b. If not, here is a link to quickly take the Duration of Illness survey. And look at the Dashboard later.
Why all the fuss about this?
Because the world has yet to understand and buy into the fact that this little problem is lasting 25 months or so in many who have it. More than just a little nuisance for a week or two.
Below are some propsed tests. But first, any such pursuit should begin with a History of Present Illness. Here is a page to help further our belief and your understanding that it's always the right place to start.
Test 1 - Signs and Symptoms Frequency (5 minutes)
If the intervention with light makes a difference, these may change (as we are seeing locally).
An important note: given all the to do about brain fog (not saying it isn't merited), how long a test takes you to complete is (I think) important data. So in what follows, a chronometer is frequently referred to. Endurance Athletes probably have several, but if not let me know and it will be in the box.
This is not a race where the shortest time over the course wins. Take your time as needed to respond well. But don't get up while the stopwatch runs on to go fix yourself a tuna fish sandwich or a cappuccino!
Here is the link to take TEST 1 now on Day 0.
Test 2 - Trail Making Test (Parts A & B, 2 or 3 minutes)
A test originating from 1944 in the US Army, it still is quite effective.
How To Do This:
1. Print both TMT Part A and TMT Part B (or use the 4 pages provided for Day 0 & Day 11)
2. Starting with Part A, read the Instructions (see copy below)
3. Do the Sample by tracing from Begin to End.
4. Get Stopwatch ready
5. Start when ready, and click stopwatch
6. Once finished, click stopwatch
7. Enter duration.
The instructions as they appear on the test sheet look like this:
The results get compared with established norms in addition to comparing Day 0 and Day 11 results.
If there is a slight administrative challenge to getting this one done, it requires:
- Confirming you've got the paper forms and a pencil or pen to trace with,
- Making sure you're starting with TMT - Part A
- Having your stopwatch ready.
- Recalling throughout to not lift your pencil until your done at #25.
- Understanding that making an error along the way is no big deal, you just go back to the last correct spot and forge ahead.
- The key result is the time it took you to get to the end after stopping the stopwatch.
- Knowing what to do with the results to get them placed somewhere to be retrieved.
- Then doing the same with TMT - Part B which is a little trickier as you'll see.
For Number 7 - where to put the results ? ... is easy because on Day 0 you put them online in a tiny survey which you get to with this link. And on Day 11 there is another link to get to the right spot with another little survey that looks identical, but no need to go there now.
Test 3 - Mental Status Exam (est. 8 minutes)
Most individuals with "long-term" COVID-19 have already lived through one or more negatives in contacts with the extant healthcare system. In some countries worse than others. But when one presents with an average of 16 physical symptoms and 7 emotional symptoms, the existing system was more often than not, quite blown away. So it took 2 years (and still waiting) to get an occasionally compassionate response.
"Just another anxious COVID patient" happened all too often.
The evolution of that initially disturbing setting has nevertheless included not just the acceptance of terms like "brain fog" as relating to real findings, but proof time again that the brain can be affected. From psychology to pathology, there are brain findings.
So does our intervention with a specific type of light help with this or not?
To find out, we'd like to compare a before and after Mental Status Exam, specifically tailored for this setting.
Nothing about doing this should be taken to assume that the author is simply biased against those with "long-term" COVID-19. Anything but that is true.
Then again, if one had had "brain fog" or other findings related to brain executive and other functions, who wouldn't get just a little bit crazy?
Here is the link to our online Mental Status Exam
Take it now. Do the 10 days to get your "Quick Impression," then you'll take it again on Day 11. Who knows? We might just learn something in working on this together. Here locally, many think we already have. Here's the link for Day 0 - MSE.
Test 4 - Visual Acuity (est. 4 minutes)
There's a brilliant lady working in Australia, Melinda Fitzgerald. She's not only a physician, but also a physicist with knowledge of Optics that is hard to find an equal of. She's a specialist in Neurotrauma, the retina, and so much more. Here is not the place to expand on all of that.
Her results with effects of white light and red light are fascinating.
So why set up some method here for the "Quick Impressions" group to test Visual Acuity? Well, we do it with the larger group locally. And because the intervention invariably has illumination falling on even closed eyes, it gets to the retina. Unlike a tanning bed with UV irradiations, no eye protection is worn during our intervention. Simply closing one's eyes is more comfortable. When working around those doing the intervention, I don't turn away or wear blinders or dark glasses. Only positive impressions so far.
Here is a little background (a page on this site) to help put this in perspective.
And to get an idea of how this gets carried out for local participants, here is another article on this site.
For the "Quick Impressions" group, who all are at a distance, we'll apply similar tools.
- Material that's required and its setup
- Eye chart (10ft Snellen) placed where light can fall on it
- Device to measure distance from chart (a string with a knot at each end is provided)
- Eye obturator (blocks the eye not being tested)
- Voice recording device (I use iPhone)
- Reminder to test with and without glasses where indicated
- Carrying out the test
- Getting in appropriate position
- Recording responses
- Sending response recording via email or messaging
- Entering responses in a specific database locally
So no online survey for this one.
But the material to pull this off (not the iPhone!) will get included with the intervention light.
Anyone using a computer, and especially if set up for ZOOM or other meetings or social networks, will usually have the required recording material on hand.
As mentioned, most smart phones today, have a recording app that can be used to send an audio recording via email.
And That's It for Day 0 !
On Day 11, a final very quick survey is added to the others to pursue possible effects and side-effects of this intervention, as experienced (or not) by "Quick Impressions" participants.
It already exists, and will next be converted to an online survey format, then linked to here.
The Day 0 interventions introduced above are repeated, looking for changes after the intervention.
What about physiology and lab work ?
Yes, some things are missing in this abridged "Quick Impressions" protocol.
To add more will result in having to delete the word "Quick" from that title.
And effectively and safely doing tilt tests, pulmonary, cardiac, metabolic and laboratory monitoring as in the locally applied protocol, just won't be where we're headed.
You'll all just have to come to Stavelot and stay for a month or so.
If I have an eagerness to add more, I would probably select a peripheral blood smear,
fixed and sent off for subsequent staining, as a very valuable 'Test 5.' It could be done
Day 0 and Day 11. It could be done before and after a 6 minute walking test. It usually
provides a great deal of information. How to make that happen is another question.
It is certainly doable, even at a distance.
And if you in fact did the Vital Signs before and after the 6 Minute Walking Test on Day 0 and Day 11, here is the link for reporting those Vital Signs results.
To get at brain issues that impact attention and reaction times, I also have a 3 minute test for that which is quite handy. "Brain fog" of course translates into problems with both attention and speed of reaction. The subject views a video with stopwatch in hand, and sends off the two results via email. A very short online survey can also be used to speedily gather the results.
One can view the test at this link.
Below is what that looks like...
Already lost ?
Let me resume.
- Some participants only speak French. This test and others are covered here for them.
- The process is: some tests before (Day 0), 10 days of intervention with light, the same tests afterwards (Day 11).
- For this test of Attention and Reaction Time (in English),
- view the video on Day 0 at this link.
- then report your results using the online survey for Day 0 results, linked to below.
- view the video on Day 11 at this link
- then report your results using the online survey for Day 11 linked to below.
- view the video on Day 0 at this link.
The "Day 0" online survey is at this link.
The "Day 11" online survey is at this link. One of course can't answer these without first taking the test as presented above. Combining the video with a spot for online responses should make such a test quite time efficient.
In all of these "just a few more" potential tests, the goal is to take "Quick Impressions" beyond subjectivity to include some added objective measures. Testimonials are used to sell many things.
Testimonies don't all stand up very well to closer inspection. Investing time, effort and expense in an intervention, prompts one to try and get everything possible out of it. The return on investment here, should be good information, with all that that means.
And in the present work, that means defining the effectiveness (or lack thereof) of an intervention with light for those with "long-term" COVID-19.
So if you're ready to start your "Day 0" process, use this quick survey to enroll as a participant in our "Quick Impressions" protocol.
Interleukin-6 (IL-6) and COVID
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What follows is certainly inclomplete as of 13 July, 2024.
I'll make updates.
Nevertheless, as a source of information about IL-6, and links to "long-term" COVID-19 (LTC) it may be useful for some readers: A start.
Here, presented in no particular order on this date. That will probably change, aimed at making this resource more useful.
But clearly, this domaine of molecular biochemistry and immunology has already been quite extensively explored. That includes, in the setting of LTC. Knowing that helps avoid efforts at wheel re-invention.
Of course... still much work to be done, and still much to be learned.
Biomarkers in long COVID-19__A systematic review
A Review__Highlighting the Links between Epigenetics, COVID-19 Infection, and Vitamin D
Epigenetic Memory of COVID-19 in Innate Immune Cells and Their Progenitors
Interleukin-6 as a potential biomarker of COVID-19 progression
Interleukin-6 as potential mediator of long-term neuropsychiatric symptoms of COVID-19
Interleukin-6 Receptor Inhibition in Covid-19 — Cooling the Inflammatory Soup
Long COVID or post-COVID-19 syndrome__putative pathophysiology, risk factors, and treatments
Long-COVID-19__the persisting imprint of SARS-CoV-2 infections on the innate immune system
The single-cell epigenomic and transcriptional landscape of immunity o influenza vaccination
And some videos ! Who doesn't like videos ?!
IL-6 has both local and systemic effects in the body
Interleukin 6 | Interleukin 6 signaling | Interleukin 6 inhibitors | USMLE
Immunology - Interleukin 6 (IL6) physiology and IL6 antagonist pharmacology Tocilizumab
So there. A start ...
Maybe an end for those who have now, already had enough of IL-6.
Feel free to copy any link or download the linked to reference once you open it.
Be well !
As always, this site exists to explore an intervention in participants with LTC.
It's primary purpose is to be a "Users' Manual" for participants in our studies.
These little bibliographic collections are usually felt to have some link to that primary purpose.
"Quick Impressions" CONTROL Subgroup - DAY 0 and DAY 11 envelopes
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A "Quick Impressions" CONTROL participant gets (along with everything else in the box!), two envelopes.
The CONTROL group provides comparisons with results of participants carrying out an intervention with red (660-670nm) and near-infrared (830-850nm) light.
The basis of the "Quick Impressions" protocol is to do some tests, carry out a 10 day intervention with light (photobiomodulation) and repeat the tests, looking for any changes.
Clearly, those in this CONTROL group do not carry out the intervention with light.
But they do carry out certain tests that provide comparisons with the results from the intervention group.
But which tests? And carried out how? And using what equipment?
This is fully introduced in a PDF document found at this link. Also, as a WORD document.
The document is also included in each "Day 0" and "Day 11" envelope found in the box of materials provided to a CONTROL subgroup participant.
And to simplify your entry as a participant in the "Quick Impressions" study protocol as a Control subject, start by completing this survey which is pretty much self-explanatory.
DAY 0 and DAY 11.
The above linked to introduction (4 pages) should be adequate to permit below, an efficient presentation of required links for reporting each test done. They are reported using different surveys for each of the two days (0 or 11). The aim is to avoid mixing results.
The CONTROL subgroup will be doing:
- Test 1 - Signs and Symptoms Frequency
- Test 2 - Trail Making Test A & B
- Test 3 - Mental Status Exam
- Test 4 - Visual Acuity Test (OMITTED in the CONTROL Subgroup)
- Test 5 - Attention & Reaction Time Test
- Test 6 - 6 Minute Walking Test (6'WT) with
- Vital Signs (VS) at "Pre", Time 0, 5, 10, 15 minutes (Vital Signs Sheet included)
- VS = oral temp with infrared thermometer, spO2 with pulse oximeter, BP systolic, BP diastolic & pulse.
- Finger stick and peripheral smear preparation at "Pre" and again at 15 minutes after the end of the 6'WT.
- In envelope "Day 0" is a form for writing down Vital Signs measurements. There are enough lines on the form to do "Day 11" as well. Eventually, you can scan or photograph your completed forms, and I will transfer your measurements to the database we use for that.
- Even easier: use this online survey to report your Vital Signs for Day 0, Day 11, or for both days.
- Again, use the equipment provided even if you have better !
- Again, use the Vital Signs Stand to keep the blood pressure cuff at a constant relationship with your heart. Not complicated, and a page to explain the "How To's" is on this site at this page.
- Vital Signs (VS) at "Pre", Time 0, 5, 10, 15 minutes (Vital Signs Sheet included)
NOT in the envelope but given here are copies of all the links to these and as already found in the Day 0 introductory article.
The surveys ask for your Study ID#. For those in the CONTROL group, that looks like this:
QIc-WJO-1950 which means Quick Impressions control - initials or a pseudonym - Year of Birth. Remember the "c" after the "QI". Those not in the intervention group use only QI-xx-19xx. So the "c" should allow correct identification of participants in the Control subgroup.
Certain survey questions may address subjects for those with "long-term" COVID-19 who are also doing the intervention with light. If in the Control group, simply skip these.
Here are those links once again: Important to recall that even though the tests on Day 0 and Day 11 are usually identical, their results are reported online at different links. So first in what follows, is for ...
DAY 0:
- Test 1 - Signs and Symptoms Frequency. Here is the link to take TEST 1 now on Day 0.
- Test 2 - Trail Making Test A & B
- Print forms if needed: TMT Part A and TMT Part B They are also included in each "Day 0" and "Day 11" envelope that came in your box.
- Place your results online at this link.
- Test 3 - Mental Status Exam Here is the link to take the MSE online on Day 0.
- Test 4 - Visual Acuity - skip this if in the Control group.
- Test 5 - Attention & Reaction Time Test - You need the provided stopwatch. The video that explains the test, also administers it. It is found on Youtube at this link. https://youtu.be/LwWZdhICf0o Your responses (there are only two to give) are given online at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Z78C5P2 or click this link.
- Test 6 - 6 Minute Walking Test, with tests before and after.
- Vital Signs using supplied equipment at rest ("Pre") then at 0, 5, 10, 15 minutes.
- You may have the required equipment (or better !) but we like the idea that everyone is using the same equipment for Vital Signs measurements. Especially, for the blood pressure measurements, using the supplied stand keeps things very consistent. Report your results using the supplied form, with a picture emailed to Vitals@StudyLTCovid.com, or perhaps faster: this online survey format for Vital Signs.
- One finger stick and preparation of a blood smear at "Pre" (at rest before exercise).
- This link presents a video explaining in great detail how to do the peripheral smear. That video is also embedded at the bottom of this page for convenience.
- One finger stick and preparation of a blood smear at 15 minutes after exercise.
- Both are sent as soon as possible after their preparation to the address already written on the 'Day 0' envelope supplied in the box. Wrap the glass slides in the 3 "click together" plastic shipping boxes (top one is empty), wrapped as you received them. They're labelled to avoid error.
- Vital Signs using supplied equipment at rest ("Pre") then at 0, 5, 10, 15 minutes.
How could the 6 Minute Walking Test get messed up?
- If you're not marching at the same pace as other participants.
- If you have a treadmill, but don't have the speeds/ durations and when they change listed in front of you on the treadmill. (see below)
- If you don't have a CD player (they're old fashioned now, didn't you know?) to play the CD that is in your box that was sent you.
- You go up and down steps to prove something. Don't. Just stay on the same level.
- You forget that after the 6 minutes are done, you take Vital Signs at 0 (immediately!), 5, 10 and 15 minutes. (Example: You got a little exercise for 6 minutes. Then you went and made some coffee and called a friend. The study gets no data).
- You never reported the your results. Use this online survey to report your Vital Signs.
- Some other unforeseen tragedy or disaster.
So here is a link that will play the 6 Minute Walking Test through your computer's speakers.
While it gives prompts in English, following the drum beat gives the correct pace and changes in speed. This recording also refers to final Vital Signs at 0, 5, 10 minutes. But for those in the "Quick Impressions" protocol and Controls, we add 15 minutes, at rest after marching around.
And if you have a treadmill, and you (or even better someone else) can make the speed increases at the appropriate times, below are those intervals. The pace is rather slow, especially for an endurance athlete. But with "long-term" COVID-19 aboard, anything is possible. Remember, if you feel like passing out, sit down and stop all this nonsense! (But do quickly take your Vital Signs if you're still conscious !).
Once again, the Protocol for CONTROLS is explained here if you'd like to print it.
Next, links for ...
DAY 11:
As noted above, the tests are identical, but the results are reported using a day-specific link.
In the CONTROL group? Remember the "c" in your Study ID# (QIc-Joe-1984).
- Test 1 - Signs and Symptoms Frequency. Here is the link to take TEST 1 now on Day 11.
- Test 2 - Trail Making Test A & B
- Print forms if needed: TMT Part A and TMT Part B (I placed these in your Day 11 envelope, just in case). Remember to have the stopwatch handy to time start to finish.
- Place your results online at this link on Day 11.
- Test 3 - Mental Status Exam Here is the link to take the MSE onlinehttps://www.surveymonkey.com/r/76N2VWT on Day 11.
- Test 4 - Visual Acuity - Not done by the CONTROL group.
- Test 5 - Attention & Reaction Time Test - the video that explains the test, also administers it. The test for Day 11 is found on Youtube at this link. https://youtu.be/ffedNoOBFRk
- If you prefer, it is embedded below for direct use on Day 11.
- Your responses to the test (there are only two to give) are collected online at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/J27WSPB or click this link.
- Test 6 - 6 Minute Walking Test, (6'WT) with tests before and after.
- Vital Signs using supplied equipment at rest ("Pre") then at 0, 5, 10, 15 minutes.
- You may have the required equipment (or better !) but we like the idea that everyone is using the same equipment. Especially, for blood pressure measurements, using the supplied stand keeps things very consistent.
- Send in your Vital Signs Results by online survey or a picture of your completed form to Vitals@StudyLTCovid.com
- One finger stick and preparation of a blood smear at "Pre" (at rest before exercise)
- One finger stick and preparation of a blood smear at 15 minutes after exercise.
- Both are sent as soon as possible after their preparation to the address already written on the 'Day 11' envelope supplied in the box. Wrap the glass slides in the 3 "click together" plastic shipping boxes, wrapped as you received them. They're labelled to avoid error.
- Vital Signs using supplied equipment at rest ("Pre") then at 0, 5, 10, 15 minutes.
- Day 11, Test 7 - That is a final survey to see how you and photobiomodulation (PBM) were able to get a long. That may seem silly, since in the CONTROL Group no intervention with light was carried out. Please take this anyway to see how much your last 10 days may have generated some responses, even without the light. Here is the link to the survey on your NON-intervention over 10 days with PBM.
The present page is found on the StudyLTCovid.com site at the following link:
As mentioned, a copy of this page will be placed in both the Day 0 and Day 11 envelopes that you received. This paper page doesn't have functioning links of course!
So use this as a reminder, but go to the actual article online for the convenience of having everything for Tests and Results for the CONTROL subgroup be a simple click away.
And if you find that a link is broken or in error, please let us know.
The Peripheral Smear:
How to do it and what to do with the slides you prepare:
If you are fixing your slides at home after air-drying them, here is a very brief summary of how to do that.
If not done yet, have a look at this short survey to get you enrolled as a participant.
This helps to make things easier for you, and more manageable for us. Have a look. You'll understand we're sure. It saves us (and you) from asking and answering the same questions over and over again.
If you'd like a QR Code for access to this survey, here's one:
It will take you directly from your Smart Phone or PC to the survey to quickly register as a participant. Participants get registered. Whether as an LTC intervention subject, or a CONTROL, Participants Get Registered. Why? Well as we wrote above but you might have skipped over:
- This helps to make things easier for you, and more manageable for us.
- It saves us (and you) from asking and answering the same questions over and over again.
"Quick Impressions" - DAY 0 and DAY 11 envelopes
A "Quick Impressions" participant gets (along with everything else in the box!), two envelopes.
DAY 0 and DAY 11.
The goal of these is to:
- supply explanations and images where helpful. For example:
- "Light Stand - Constructed dimensions and a few comments" - it helps to convert some pieces of PVC found in the box, into a stable light stand. If you'd like to see it before yours arrives, click here.
- offer printed copies of the online tests, just in case ... But, to avoid having the test format (paper copy versus online) influence your performance and results, do try to do this online. The links are given below, and for both Day 0 & Day 11. Giving you the Trail Making Tests in your envelopes just saves you having to print them from the links provided below..
- For the Trail Making Tests A & B - printed pages in case your printer isn't working.
- A copy of the Snellen eye chart for use at 10 feet.
- A reminder sheet of the tests that are done on Day 0:
- Test 1 - Signs and Symptoms Frequency
- Test 2 - Trail Making Test A & B
- Test 3 - Mental Status Exam
- Test 4 - Visual Acuity Test (see this link for a "How To" for setting this up).
- Test 5 - Attention & Reaction Time Test
- Test 6 - 6 Minute Marching Test with
- Vital Signs (VS) at "Pre", Time 0, 5, 10, 15 minutes (Vital Signs Sheet included)
- VS = oral temp, spO2 with pulse oximeter, BP systolic, BP diastolic & pulse.
- Finger stick and peripheral smear preparation at "Pre" and again at 15 minutes after the end of the 6'WT.
- In envelope "Day 0" is a form for writing down Vital Signs measurements. There are enough lines on the form to do "Day 11" as well. Eventually, you can scan or photograph your completed forms, and I will transfer your measurements to the database we use for that. Or, use the online survey for this reporting of Vital Signs.
- Again, use the equipment provided even if you have better !
- Again, use the Vital Signs Stand to keep the blood pressure cuff at a constant relationship with your heart. Not complicated, and here is a page to explain the "How To's" is on this site at this page.
- Vital Signs (VS) at "Pre", Time 0, 5, 10, 15 minutes (Vital Signs Sheet included)
NOT in the envelope but given here are copies of all the links to these and as already found in the Day 0 introductory article.
Here are those links once again: Important to recall that even though the tests on Day 0 and Day 11 are identical, their results are reported online at different links. So first in what follows, is for ...
DAY 0:
- Test 1 - Signs and Symptoms Frequency. Here is the link to take TEST 1 now on Day 0.
- Test 2 - Trail Making Test A & B
- Print forms if needed: TMT Part A and TMT Part B
- Place your results online at this link.
- Test 3 - Mental Status Exam Here is the link to take the MSE online on Day 0.
- Test 4 - Visual Acuity - requires setting up and performing the test as described before.
- You make a slow and distinct MP3 recording during the test.
- You send that recording file to Vision@StudyLTCovid.com or my personal email.
- Test 5 - Attention & Reaction Time Test - the video that explains the test, also administers it. It is found on Youtube at this link. https://youtu.be/LwWZdhICf0o It is already embedded immediately below. You can follow the above link, or click the video below:
- Your Attention & Reaction Time test responses (there are only two to give) are given online at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Z78C5P2 or click this link.
- Test 6 - 6 Minute Walking Test, with tests before and after.
- Vital Signs using supplied equipment at rest ("Pre") then at 0, 5, 10, 15 minutes.
- You may have the required equipment (or better !) but we like the idea that everyone is using the same equipment for Vital Signs measurements. Especially, for the blood pressure measurements, using the supplied stand (not the same as the one for the light) keeps things very consistent.
- Report Vital Signs Results at this link. It's pretty convenient.
- One finger stick and preparation of a blood smear at "Pre" (at rest before exercise)
- One finger stick and preparation of a blood smear at 15 minutes after exercise.
- Both are sent as soon as possible after their preparation to the address already written on the 'Day 11' envelope supplied in the box. Wrap the glass slides in the 3 "click together" plastic shipping boxes (top one is empty), wrapped as you received them. They're labelled to avoid error.
- Vital Signs using supplied equipment at rest ("Pre") then at 0, 5, 10, 15 minutes.
How could the 6 Minute Walking Test get messed up?
- If you're not marching at the same pace as other participants.
- If you have a treadmill, but the speeds/ durations and when they change listed in front of you on the treadmill is not being observed.
- If you don't have a CD player (they're old fashioned now, didn't you know?) to play the CD that is in your box that was sent you.
- You go up and down steps to prove something. Just stay on the same level.
- You forget that after the 6 minutes are done, you take Vital Signs at 0 (immediately!), 5, 10 and 15 minutes. (You got a little exercise. You went and made some coffee and called a friend. The study gets no data). You can report your Vital Signs after your tea or coffee at this link.
- Some other unforeseen tragedy or disaster.
So here is a link that will play the 6 Minute Walking Test through your computer's speakers. This recording also refers to final Vital Signs at 0, 5, 10 minutes. But for those in the "Quick Impressions" protocol, we add 15 minutes, at rest after marching around.
And if you have a treadmill, and you (or even better someone else) can make the speed increases at the appropriate times, below are those intervals. The pace is rather slow, especially for an endurance athlete. But with "long-term" COVID-19 aboard, anything is possible. Remember, if you feel like passing out, sit down and stop all this nonsense! (But do quickly take your Vital Signs if you're still conscious!).
The "Day 0" protocol is here in PDF if you'd like to print it.
Next, links for ...
DAY 11:
As noted above, the tests are identical, but the results are reported using a day-specific link.
- Test 1 - Signs and Symptoms Frequency. Here is the link to take TEST 1 now on Day 11.
- Test 2 - Trail Making Test A & B
- Print forms if needed: TMT Part A and TMT Part B (I placed these in your Day 11 envelope, just in case. Remember to have the stopwatch handy to time start to finish.
- Place your results online at this link on Day 11.
- Test 3 - Mental Status Exam Here is the link to take the MSE online on Day 11.
- Test 4 - Visual Acuity - requires setting up and performing the test as described before.
- You make a slow and distinct MP3 recording during the test.
- You send that recording file to Vision@StudyLTCovid.com or my personal email.
- Test 5 - Attention & Reaction Time Test - the video that explains the test, also administers it. It is found on Youtube at this link. It is also embedded here below for convenience.
- Your responses to Attention & Reaction Time (there are only two to give) are collected online at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/J27WSPB or click this link.
- Test 6 - 6 Minute Walking Test, with tests before and after.
- Vital Signs using supplied equipment at rest ("Pre") then at 0, 5, 10, 15 minutes.
- You may have the required equipment (or better !) but we like the idea that everyone is using the same equipment. Especially, for blood pressure measurements, using the supplied stand keeps things very consistent.
- One finger stick and preparation of a blood smear at "Pre" (at rest before exercise)
- One finger stick and preparation of a blood smear at 15 minutes after exercise.
- Both are sent as soon as possible after their preparation to the address already written on the 'Day 11' envelope supplied in the box. Wrap the glass slides in the 3 "click together" plastic shipping boxes, wrapped as you received them. They're labelled to avoid error.
- Vital Signs using supplied equipment at rest ("Pre") then at 0, 5, 10, 15 minutes.
- Day 11, Test 7 - That is a final survey to see how you and photobiomodulation (PBM) were able to get a long. Here is the link to the survey on your intervention over 10 days with PBM.
This page is found on the StudyLTCovid.com site at the following link:
As mentioned, a copy of this page will be placed in both the Day 0 and Day 11 envelopes that you received. This paper page doesn't have functioning links!
So use this as a reminder, but go to the actual article online for the convenience of having everything for Tests and Results, be a simple click away.
And if you find that a link is broken or in error, please let us know.
The "Day 11" protocol is here in PDF if you'd like to print it.
One can get into tests and results so far that one loses a bit of perspective.
Clearly what is more important are the 10 days that pass in between the two !
So let's finish here by bringing the light (red and near-infrared that is) to the front.
The above video has some information that is now dated. It reported: "Illness Duration of 'long--term' COVID-19 of 6.5 months." Well at present, in early 2023 that is more accurately 24.81±9.01 months.
That's a long time to be uncomfortable and fatigued. We'll keep trying here at this site to do something about that. The protocol presented in this article, is just one example of that.
Also, the video presents a light stand different from the one we put in the box and send out. That is less important. The "Quick Impressions" subgroup of our study is eager to provide their feedback. And we want to hear it.
Remember: It's about transmitting energy to where it is needed. E = h · nu
Those mitochondria have waiting long enough. (Since March, 2020 or before!)
Turn the lights on.
Neutrophil Articles: A Table of Contents
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The six articles linked to below, relate to work with various aspects of neutrophil study, in those with "long-term" COVID-19 (LTC). They intend to introduce and present results of that work, and as developed throughout this site.
Some may find these, if not challenging reading, simply lengthy.
So to help with that possible impediment to extracting all that they have to offer, here is an interactive summary of their contents. This offers links to each article, and a résumé of the contents of each.
Here is a List of Abbreviations in what follows:
LTC - Participants with “long-term” COVID-19
NC - “normal” controls. Nothing to suggest acute or chronic SARS-CoV-2 infection nor any related symptoms
PBM - photobiomodulation. (an intervention with light fully developed on this site).
MS - multiple sclerosis
The goal here is to help present these White Blood Cells as more diverse in function, than simply gobbling up bacteria. The selected articles should help expand one's knowledge about neutrophils and their function in human health and illness. I think that for those with LTC, this is quite pertinent. That view is not too surprising, since I'm the one who did the research linked to below.
These results imply that measuring neutrophil size is doable, and provides results so obtained for LTC subjects. In that group, cell size at entry into the study, is markedly below that of NC subjects. Effects of brief exercise and PBM are presented in detail. PBM in LTC increases cell size, normalizing it. Exercise in LTC subjects, increases neutrophil cell size. Both these results are different from those in the NC group, and statistically distinct. The area of the body “targeted” for the PBM, and results obtained that relate to that variable, are also presented.
Morphology in Neutrophils - Brief Intro
The various components of “shape” are explained. Cell membrane shapes as “spheroidal,” “ovoidal,” and “ellipsoidal” are explained. The importance of including and emphasizing an image of differences related to location (intravascular, endovascular, or in the tissues) is emphasized, when considering potential differences in results.
Neutrophil Cell Membrane SHAPE Observations
Another detailed comparison of neutrophils from LTC and NC subjects. Descriptions of "resting" or "on call," versus “active” cell mebrane forms are emphasized. Differences in cell membrane forms are identified Assumptions about importance of these differences are offered. Results and comparisons are presented to show that PBM in participants with LTC, normalizes cell membrane shape differences, as it did with size differences. Supportive statistical results are included. That transition in shape from "resting" to "active," is a process referred to in the literature as "priming" of neutrophils, followed by their "margination.". Some still unanswered questions are summarized.
------- presenting our study's work and results ends here -------
---- below, results from the related literature that are felt to be pertinent ----
Neutrophils & Multiple Sclerosis
The participation of neutrophils in the etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS) is explored here. This, through links to 37 selected articles. Though this autoimmune disease, MS, is certainly ‘older’ than LTC, an understanding of the role of neutrophils is mostly still in an initiation phase for this illness. The articles express the logic of making this connection and pursuing it with additional research. At present, expressed positive findings have real, if newly discovered, importance. Many links to our work here with LTC should also come to mind. |
An exploration of the literature on this well-established anti-inflammatory plant-based alkaloid medication, and it’s ties to LTC and use in certain settings. While its use can be characterized as potentially beneficial and low risk, its use is not risk-free: As with almost all medications. Here, links to 47 articles may offer new and useful information. |
Neutrophils - Conclusions or New Directions.
When pouring over our results here, gets to be a bit too much, this may help.